Sunday, July 13, 2008

Types of Diets

We are all different. We come in different shapes and sizes and that is why one type of diet just would not work on everybody. Lucky for us there are loads of different diets to choose from. However, the problem is finding a diet that works.

Diet pills are a method often used in the battle against the bulge. They aid in curbing your appetite and some even go as far as helping boost your metabolism. Diet pills are available over the counter and some can be prescribed by your doctor. If choosing this method to lose weight be careful not to take too many or for a long period of time. They have been known to cause heart problems in some people.

Meal replacement shakes were once a pretty popular form of weight loss. Available at your local supermarket or drugstore, these come in either a powder form where you just add milk and stir or in a ready make bottle. The idea behind this type of diet is to drink one of these shakes for breakfast and one for lunch and to eat a sensible meal for dinner. While not the greatest tasting, they are not too bad. They are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. You can also purchase protein bars to have for a snack during the day.

Low carbohydrate diets were the craze back in the day and actually made a strong come back a few years ago. The idea behind this diet is to eat a high protein diet and very few carbohydrates. This a not a good diet for someone with a sweet tooth, but for you meat eaters it is great! One thing you want to do if trying this diet is to pick lean proteins. You do not want to clog your arteries with all of that fat. This type of diet has worked well for many people, however the downside for many is that when you go back to eating carbohydrates the weight comes back.

A pre-packaged meal diet has proven to be effective with celebrities and common folks alike. With this diet plan, you have your meals delivered right to your door. The fact that you do not have to worry about planning your meal makes this diet plan very enticing. The only downside would probably be the price.

In my opinion, the best diet out there is a low fat diet. Eating sensibly and following a regular exercise program will probably be your best bet in achieving your weight loss goals. That doesn't mean that that type of diet is right for you. In order to choose the right diet, first think of yourself.You are the only one that knows what is best for you. Whether it's dieting pills, shakes, low carbohydrate,or pre-packaged meals you know what is best suited for you.

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